2019 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report
Test by F.I.R.S.T. NCB, Inc. Lanark, IL
North Central Tri-State, Illinois, Iowa & Wisconsin [NCTS] Pearl City, IL
Todd Randecker, Stevenson County, IL 61078

Full-Season Test: 107-110 Day CRM B2019NCTS09b
Top 30 of 54 for Gross Income (sorted by yield) Average of 3 Replications
Prev. Crop/Herb: Soybean/Roundup
Soil Description: Osco/Harvard silt loam, mod. well drained, non-irrigated
Soil Condition: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.7 pH, 3.9% OM, 16.2 CEC
Pest Management: Lumax, Halex Gt, Force
Fertility – Applied N: 18.0 Fall, 235 Spring
Applied N-P-K (units): 253-46-90
Seeded – Rate – Row: Apr 25 37.5/A 30″ spacing
Harvested – Stand: Nov 09 36.0/A

Test Comments: This location started off great with planting and emerged really nice, but super saturated soils following emergence caused the plot to look a little uneven all season long. I believe this took the top end of the yield off. Pollination was not bad, but there was about 3/4″ tip back. Did see some Anthracnose and Tar Spot on the leaves. Corn was still standing well and had good ear shank retention.


Yield Bu/A: 226.0
Moisture %: 20.2
Lodging %: 2
Stand (x 1000): 36
Gross %/Acre: 801

For more information, please visit the FIRST TRIAL website at http://www.firstseedtests.com/2019/B2019NCTS09abPearlCity.pdf

Entry Company Brand PRODUCT/BRAND Technology RM Yield Bu/A Moisture % Lodging % Stand (x 1000) Gross $/Acre Income Rank
1 RENK RK763VT2P VT2P,B 108 251.5 17.3 2 35.7 913 1
2 LATHAM LH5847VT2PRIB VT2P,B 108 243.3 21.0 2 35.7 856 4
3 FS INVISION FS 59VL1 EZR 3220,B 109 242.5 20.0 1 35.7 861 3
4 WYFFELS W4638 STX 107 242.4 19.8 1 35.7 862 2
5 LG SEEDS LG59C66VT2PRIB VT2P,B 109 241.6 20.4 1 37.5 855 5
6 STONE 5858RIB STX,B 108 239.9 20.4 1 37.5 849 7
7 NUTECH 5FB-9909AM AM,B 109 238.7 19.3 1 35.7 852 6
8 NUTECH 68B3VYHR OL,B 108 237.0 19.5 1 35.7 845 8
9 LATHAM LH5965VT2PRIB VT2P,B 109 236.9 20.6 1 37.5 837 11
10 JUNG 58SS529 STX,B 108 236.7 21.1 1 34.0 833 13.0
11 WYFFELS W6826 VT2P 111 236.1 21.5 1 37.5 827 15
12 LATHAM LH5725VT2PRIB VT2P,B 107 236.0 19.4 1 37.5 842 9
13 NK BRAND NK1082-3330A-EZR 3330,A,B 110 235.5 19.2 16 37.5 842 10
14 BURRUS POWER PLUS 4Y34^ OI 108 234.9 19.5 2 34.8 837 12
15 WYFFELS W6408RIB STX,B 110 233.8 20.7 2 37.5 825 17
16 GOLDEN HARVEST G09A86-3330-EZR 3330,B 109 233.2 20.2 1 36.6 826 16
17 NUTECH 69A6Q QR,B 109 232.1 20.4 1 37.5 821 18
18 NK BRAND NK0821-3120A 3120,A,B 108 231.9 18.7 5 37.5 833 14
19 CHAMPION 60A20 VT2 PRO VT2P,B 110 231.5 21.5 1 36.6 812 26
20 AUGUSTA A1059 3110 109 231.1 20.1 1 36.6 820 19
21 FS INVISION FS 60UV1 RIB VT2P,B 110 230.8 21.7 1 33.9 807 28
22 CORNELIUS C577SS STX 109 230.3 19.7 1 36.6 819 20
23 BURRUS POWER PLUS 5N78Q^ QR,B 111 230.1 20.4 1 36.6 814 24
24 WYFFELS W5086 VT2P 107 229.8 19.9 1 33.9 817 21
25 JUNG 61SS608 STX,B 111 229.5 21.9 1 36.6 801 29
26 LATHAM LH5742RR RR2 107 229.0 19.4 2 37.5 817 22
27 GOLDEN HARVEST G10L16-3330A-EZR 3330,A,B 110 228.7 19.8 14 35.7 813 25
28 RENK RK765VT2P VT2P 108 228.3 19.2 4 35.7 816 23
29 GOLDEN HARVEST G08M20-3120-EZR 3120,B 108 228.2 19.8 2 36.6 811 27
30 DYNA-GRO D50SS48 STX 110 227.2 20.8 1 37.5 801 30
CHECK PIONEER P0707AMXT CK AMXT,B 107 206.3 20.1 1 33 732 50